Association News: Caring for Your Windows, Doors and Skylights from AAMA

Regular care and maintenance extends the lifespan and performance of windows, doors and skylights. The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) offers a newly-published, educational brochure with tips for proper cleaning and information to help ensure that products perform as intended.

Caring for Your Windows, Doors and Skylights” presents a comprehensive overview of:
* Glass care
* Frame cleaning
* Hardware and component care
* Drainage system design
* Condensation and moisture considerations
* Finish color retention
* Plastic glazing for skylights

Manufacturers can personalize the brochure with their logo and contact information to remind customers of these helpful hints, and of the helpful source that wants their products to perform well and have a long lifespan. Custom-imprinted brochures can be shared with end-users, sales staff, distributors and retail outlets. Some manufacturers include a copy with each shipment.

The professionally-designed, six-panel, fold-out brochure is intended to help homeowners, building owners, property managers and all who are responsible for maintaining and cleaning windows, doors and skylights. “Regardless of framing material, operator type or size, all of these projects must be cared for properly to increase their service life, performance and operation,” Rich Walker, AAMA’s president and CEO.

Some states also require that manufacturers provide written care and maintenance instructions. “Caring for Your Windows, Doors and Skylights” may assist with this compliance, and ultimately, in promoting better-informed customers. Walker adds, “The brochures communicate industry-wide truths without being brand specific. This neutral, third-party approach removes the potential, negative connotation that could be incorrectly made about an individual manufacturer who shares similar information under their own company name.”

AAMA’s “Caring for Your Windows, Doors and Skylights” addresses a wide range of products, components, applications and current industry standards. To identify products that have been certified to meet rigorous performance standards, the brochure also illustrates AAMA’s gold label. The AAMA Certification Program is the most established quality assurance program available to window and door manufacturers.

A digital sample of the brochure can be downloaded from AAMA’s website and printed copies may be ordered from its online publication store with product code PMB-1-11. Discounts are available for AAMA members and for non-members purchasing more than 1,000 copies.


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