Client News 7/1/09

Kolbe’s staff architect, Mark Piquette, earns LEED accreditation

Client News 7/1/09

Harmon, Inc.’s “Green Team” is helping Florida building owners achieve the benefits of daylighting, energy-efficiency and other environmental goals for their properties and their tenants.

Client News 6/30/09

“Architects, builders and contractors will look to AAMA-certified products and verified components to meet their green projects’ performance requirements for safety, energy efficiency and durability.”

Client News 6/11/09

“The Green Outlook” presents the latest trends, tips, advice for environmentally friendly print communications

Client News 5/26/09

Subaru of Indiana and four other popular brands share their journey in creating and sharing their green stories

Green Goals: Thinking Green

Trends, statistics and examples of green marketing (and greenwashing)

Tradeshow Thoughts: AIA pre-show printed promos

AIA pre-show printed and posted promotions vary greatly in green messaging.

Green Goals

Heather West Public Relations joins as USGBC member.