Client News: CISCA presents Construction Excellence Awards to two projects featuring ROCKFON ceiling systems

Posted on May 3rd, 2016 by Heather West

Recognizing the ROCKFON Group’s contribution to visionary ceiling designs, the Ceilings and Interior Systems Construction Association (CISCA) presented the team with two 2015 Construction Excellence Awards on April 17. In the category of Acoustical Solutions – Central Region, the James Michael Flaherty Federal Building, 90 Elgin in Ottawa, Canada, won a Gold Award. In the Ceilings category for the South Region, the Cushing School District’s new and expanded facilities in Cushing, Oklahoma, were honored with a Bronze Award.

“We are honored to be a contributing partner on these award-winning projects’ teams. We appreciate CISCA’s recognition of the ROCKFON Group’s role in providing complex, complete ceiling solutions that helped achieve the unique aesthetic and performance goals for both projects,” said John Medio, president of the Americas at the ROCKFON Group.

ottawa_01_640px.jpgThe 650,000-square-foot, 17-story James Michael Flaherty Federal Building is one of the largest new construction projects in Ottawa, Ontario. Throughout the lobby and offices, ROCKFON specialty metal ceiling panels and Chicago Metallic® suspension systems meet the aesthetics, safety, acoustics and sustainability, including LEED® Gold criteria.

The James Michael Flaherty Federal Building’s design-build project team included:
* Land owner: The Government of Canada; Ottawa, Ontario
* Building owner: The Great-West Life Assurance Company; Winnipeg, Manitoba
* Development manager: GWL Realty Advisors Inc., a subsidiary of The Great-West Life Assurance Company; Ottawa, Ontario
* Design-builder: Ron Engineering and Construction (Eastern) Ltd.; Ottawa, Ontario
* Architect and interior designer – prime consultant, joint venture:
- DIALOG; Calgary, Alberta
- David S McRobie Architects Inc. (DSMA); Ottawa, Ontario
* Acoustic consultant: State of the Art Acoustik Inc. (SOTA); Ottawa, Ontario
* LEED consultant: Morrison Hershfield Group Inc.; Ottawa, Ontario
* Ceilings – installing contractor: Advance Drywall Ltd.; Nepean, Ontario
* Ceilings – distributor: Morin Bros Building Supplies Inc.; Ottawa, Ontario
* Ceilings – manufacturer: the ROCKFON Group; Chicago

Oklahomna-cushing-middle-school-top-image.jpga’s Cushing Middle School and High School field house feature ROCKFON metal ceiling panels and Chicago Metallic suspension systems for an attractive appearance and high performance. They are finished in silver, black and orange to match the school colors.

The Cushing School District’s project team included:
* Owner: Cushing School District; Cushing, Oklahoma
* Architect: BWA Architects, Boynton Williams & Associates; Tulsa, Oklahoma
* Construction manager: Lambert Construction Company; Stillwater, Oklahoma
* Ceiling systems – installing contractor: R.L.S. Construction, LLC; Tulsa, Oklahoma
* Ceiling systems – distributor: D & E Supply, LLC; Tulsa, Oklahoma
* Ceilings – manufacturer: the ROCKFON Group; Chicago


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