Association News: AAMA releases updated fiber reinforced thermoset profiles document

Posted on April 21st, 2015 by heatherwestpr

AAMA-305_Milgard_liv2_beach-webThe American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) has released an updated document establishing performance requirements for fiber reinforced thermoset profiles for use in fenestration products. This document references test procedures and requirements for standard weathering performance of fiber reinforced thermoset profiles. It also addresses requirements covering design criteria, finish and appearance, weathering performance and physical properties.

“It’s a keystone document for fiberglass reinforced pultrusions,” says Robert Plagemann (Tecton Products), chair of the Fiberglass Material Council 305 Review Task Group. “We wanted to update it, since the last version was released in 2011. A lot of the changes were editorial, and we did combine a lot of the requirements under one section so they were easier to understand. The section about weatherability is now under the section that covers general profile requirements, to make the document easier and simpler to use.”

Plagemann also says that the changes made to the document went a long way toward making requirements consistent. “There were some requirements for patio door sills and different requirements for frames that are now the same from a weatherability standpoint,” he says. “The differences were significant but now they are unified.”

AAMA 305-15, along with other AAMA documents, may be purchased from AAMA’s Publication Store.


Filed under: FGIA

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