Client News: Rockfon's California distribution center celebrates 23 years, 8000+ days, of safety

Posted on August 12th, 2020 by Heather West

Rockfon_CA-SafetyMilestone.jpgAt its distribution center in Montebello, California, Rockfon North America, part of ROCKWOOL Group, celebrates its annual safety milestone and a cumulative estimated total 323,700 hours in 23 consecutive years without any lost-time injuries. The facility and its staff provide logistical management for warehousing and distribution of Rockfon's extensive portfolio of acoustic stone wool ceiling panels, wood ceiling products, specialty metal ceilings, ceiling suspension systems and accessories.

Reviewing more than two decades of safety achievements, Tony Puinti, distribution manager for the California-based team, noted that the focus of safety and an injury-free record have remained constant due in part to regular training and practical application. He explained, "We have a safety meeting once a month, where we bring in lunch and go over a safety topic. I try to relate it to home safety, as well as work safety. For example, if we are talking about hand safety, we will talk about pinch points from a forklift, as well as pinch points on your car door."

Everyone in the Montebello location participates in the monthly safety committee meetings and also in the lean manufacturing 5S programs. Puinti said, "This helps to keep the building clean and safe, too."

This commitment to safety and continuous improvement has transcended time, location, staffing, experience level, departmental function, and a continually growing product offering. In 2002, when the facility moved from Vernon to the Montebello location, it distributed Chicago Metallic® suspension systems and specialty metal ceilings to 11 western states. In 2014, Rockfon acoustic stone wool ceiling panels significantly increased the products available to customers throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Puinti emphasized, "Safety does not end when you leave for the day at Rockfon. I believe involvement of everyone is the key to success."

To learn more about Rockfon's acoustic ceiling products, please call 800-323-7164, email or visit

About Rockfon
Rockfon is part of ROCKWOOL Group and is offering advanced acoustic ceilings and wall solutions to create beautiful, comfortable spaces.

At ROCKWOOL Group, we are committed to enriching the lives of everyone who experiences our product solutions. Our expertise is perfectly suited to tackle many of today's biggest sustainability and development challenges, from energy consumption and noise pollution to fire resilience, water scarcity and flooding. Our range of products reflects the diversity of the world's needs, while supporting our stakeholders in reducing their own carbon footprint.

Stone wool is a versatile material and forms the basis of all our businesses. With 11,700 passionate colleagues in 39 countries, we are the world leader in stone wool solutions, from building insulation to acoustic ceilings, external cladding systems to horticultural solutions, engineered fibers for industrial use to insulation for the process industry, and marine and offshore.


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